The light side of dark matter: waves vs. particles
Quantum Coherence and an Unexpected Twist – Vortex Control in Optically Imprinted Polariton Landscapes
New insights on the structure formation of the Universe delivered by detailed properties of thousands of galaxy clusters
Simulating quantum many-body systems with classical and quantum computers
Quantum droplets at nonzero temperature
Nuclear physics with neutron star mergers
The emergence of classicality from causation
Impurities in ultracold quantum gases beyond contact interactions
Null witnessing of quantum resources
Variational Tensor Network Monte Carlo Approach to Non-Equilibrium Quantum Many-Body Systems
All classes of informationally complete symmetric measurements in finite dimensions
Particle Dark Matter: nature and origins
Novel Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Quantum Fluids of Light
Entangled photons in a weak gravitational field
Estimating entanglement monotones in spin systems using symmetries
Confined exciton-polaritons for integrated quantum technologies
Chiral Symmetries of Multiparticle Entanglement
Stimulating complex, stochastic processes with quantum physics
Scalar field dark matter - a BEC with a galaxy size healing length
Numerical simulations and Gravitational Wave Memory of Long Gamma Ray Bursts Jets
From Ultracold Dipoles to Quantum Simulations and Information: Integrating Extended Bose-Hubbard Models and Quantum Computing
Topological term in the Einstein equation and consequences for cosmology
Supersolidity of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates induced by coupling to fermions
Unveiling Active Galactic Nuclei Cores: Measuring Black Hole Masses and Emission Region Sizes with Reverberation Mapping Across Cosmic Distances
Topological pumping as a method of creating a strongly correlated ideal Bose gas
A Monte Carlo method for stationary solutions of general-relativistic Vlasov systems
Coherent and incoherent dynamics of Fuzzy Dark Matter
Simulating quantum chemistry Hamiltonians with fault-tolerant quantum computers
Current status of self-interacting dark matter
Dimensions of Life
Dynamical spatial curvature replaces dark energy: exploding the Hubble tension
Engineering topological phases in lattices with ultracold atoms carrying orbital angular momentum
Automatic calibration and benchmarking of IQM quantum processing units
Redshift drift, position drift and caustics in general relativity
Maximally entangled mixed states: do they exist?
Exploring a terrain with random direction changes
Nonlocality of channels under decoherence
Experimental tests of Bell’s inequalities at Institut d’Optique (1980-82): past achievements and future directions.
Deriving Bell inequalities for target states and measurements
The Gamma-Ray Bursts fundamental plane relation combined with SNe Ia, BAO and Quasars and the cosmological application
Exploring spin-squeezing with ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices: concluding remarks
Entropy of quantum states
Classically simulating quantum computations
Emergence of vortices in a few body system
Detection of Quantum Chaos with Quantum Hamming Distance
Coral Skeletons: the Interplay between Crystallographic Processes and Cellular, Physiological Mechanisms
Interaction of optical vortices with atom-light coupling schemes
Toward the mass function of black holes with modern observations of microlensing events
Navier-Stokes equations for nearly integrable quantum gases
Quantum measurements constrained by the third law of thermodynamics
How to measure energy carried by gravitational waves: a pedestrian version of the Trautman-Bondi energy
Modular Many-Body Quantum Sensors
Mesoscopic description of entanglement of bosonic fields and its open evolution
Fermionic atoms in a spin-dependent optical lattice potential as a topological insulator
Distributed Quantum Incompatibility
What is an acoustic decaphonic piano?
Preliminary studies of temperature excitations of Bose-Fermi droplets
Contextuality without incompatibility
GRB central engines and their electromagnetic transients
Reduction of noise effects in imperfect graph states
Attoscience, Nobel 2023 and Quantum Simulators
Many-body Bell correlations in spin systems
The enigmatic "Maia variables": an impossible class of pulsating stars?
Objectivity in a boson-spin system
Relativistic quantum measurement
Indefinite temporal order on a superposition of spherical shells
On the Feynman propagator on curved spacetimes
IM/DD OKD: Intensity modulation/direct detection optical key distribution
Art and Topology
Where do merging binary black holes come from?
Simulating critical anion chemistry with indirect excitons
All genuinely entangled stabilizer subspaces are multipartite fully nonlocal
Exploring the Local Group with constrained simulations
Neutrino oscillations - current experimental results
Photon: A Very Peculiar Elementary Particle
The Entropic Dynamics approach to Quantum Mechanics
Foundations of quantum thermodynamics and applications in quantum information
Gas-rich environment effect on low-frequency gravitational waves from supermassive black hole binaries
State-independent certification of quantum observables and minimal bipartite full nonlocality
Machine vision VS deep learning. Who can win with cancer? Place your bets!
Time crystals
Exotic ultralong-range Rydberg molecules
Detecting entanglement and steering without idealised measurements
The Josephson junction as a quantum engine
Topological states of atoms in a spin-dependent optical potential
Constant-sized self-tests for maximally entangled states and single projective measurements
Energy flow of λ in Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology
UV Quasar Main Sequence
Quantum anarchism: the state-less formalism for quantum mechanics
Pretty good simulation of all quantum measurements by projective measurements in finite-dimensional quantum systems
Beyond quantum Markovian semigroups
Self-testing of semisymmetric informationally complete measurements in a qubit prepare-and-measure scenario
Certification of Entanglement Using Quantum Steering in Networks
Self-testing with dishonest parties and entanglement certification in quantum networks
Analyzing quantum entanglement with the Schmidt decomposition in operator space
A new definition of genuine multipartite nonlocality
Objectivity of classical quantum stochastic processes