Exploring spin-squeezing with ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices: concluding remarks

Dr hab.



Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences

May 24, 2024 12:15 PM

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84410325975?pwd=d3Rwa3FaeHk3dG1CMk1TVHNJeFZlQT09


Spin-squeezing in systems with single-particle control is a well-established resource of modern quantum technology. Applied in an optical lattice clock can reduce the statistical uncertainty of spectroscopic measurements. During the seminar, I will discuss my journey in exploring the dynamical generation of spin squeezing with ultra-cold, both bosonic and fermionic species. I will show different scenarios leading to squeezing generation via spin-orbit coupling, anisotropy or rising lattice depth. I will also discuss the effect of non-uniform filling caused by hole doping, non-zero temperature and external confinement which we studied recently at a microscopic level demonstrating their limiting role in the dynamics and scaling of spin squeezing.