Ultracold atomic droplets: The case for temperature effects and spinor droplets

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Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara

April 8, 2022 11:00 AM

The recently observed droplets in cold atomic gases display a novel kind of equilibrium where quantum fluctuations cure instability at the mean-field level. This scenario is already experimentally observed for dipolar and two-component bosons,  with several proposals suggesting droplet formation in other ultracold experiments. In this talk, I would like to make three points:First, the standard description droplets through the modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation can be derived through self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoluibov theory combined with the local density approximation. This approach makes it easy to generalize the description to finite temperatures, leading to the second point:  Droplet equilibrium can be altered by thermal fluctuations combined with quantum fluctuations. Both the equilibrium density and the oscillation frequencies of droplets are modified at temperatures much lower than BEC transition temperature. As the third point, I suggest that spin-1 condensates can form droplet states that are tunable through Zeeman shifts. The talk will be an overview of the following papers:

Aybar and MOO, PRA 99, 013620 (2019)
S.F. Öztürk, E. Aybar and MOO, PRA 102, 033329 (2020)
T.A. Yoğurt, A. Keleş and MOO, arXiv: 2201.09628 (To appear in PRA)