ORQVIZ: Visualizing High-Dimensional Landscapes in Variational Quantum Algorithms

Manuel Rudolph &

Michał Stęchły

Zapata Computing

November 22, 2021 6:00 PM

We invite you to attend Episode XXXII of the Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetup, this time on 22.11, at 18:00 CET. Manuel Rudolph & Michał Stęchły from Zapata Computing will give a talk titled "ORQVIZ: Visualizing High-Dimensional Landscapes in Variational Quantum Algorithms".

If you are interested, please register by 21.11 EoD CET: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeC1lMo5IsQo9yoq0y9O20YF7e7VERTW0gUnnE7wfRtz81MrQ/viewform.

Abstract: In this talk, Manuel and Michał will present the results of their recent work on visualizing loss landscapes of variational quantum algorithm using a new library called “orqviz”. They (mostly Manuel) will talk about how using multiple visualization techniques allowed to get a better understanding of certain quantum algorithms. They (mostly Michał) will also show how one can use orqviz in their research and what were some challenges associated with creating this library.


Manuel Rudolph: Quantum Application Scientist, Zapata Computing

Manuel studied Physics at the University of Heidelberg in 2014-2020 and graduated with a Master’s degree. He did his Master thesis, Exploring and Benchmarking Quantum-assisted Neural Networks with Qubit Layers, in collaboration with the Honda Research Institute Europe in Frankfurt. After graduating, he started an internship at Zapata and then joined as full-time Quantum Application Scientist for quantum machine learning and generative modelling.

Michał Stęchły: Quantum Software Engineer, Zapata Computing

Michał is a quantum software engineer at Zapata Computing, where he writes scientific software for quantum computing. His main interests are variational algorithms, optimization, software design and data visualization. Apart from that he’s active in the quantum community and involved in organizations such as Quantum Open-Source Foundation, Unitary Fund or Q4Climate.

You can find the details on the event's website: https://www.qaif.org/events/warsaw-quantum-computing-group/next-meeting.

We hope to see you soon!
Quantum AI Foundation

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