Polsko-Francuskie Sympozjum II: Postępy w fizyce ultrazimnej materii


Polish-French Symposium II :

Advances in the physics of ultracold matter

Paris, 31 May  2023 -  02 June  2023


Scientific Center in Paris, Polish Academy of Sciences
74, rue Lauriston – 75116 Paris

Book of abstracts

Book of abstracts is here.

General information

The event 'Polish-French Symposium II: Advances in Ultracold Matter Physics' will be held from 31 May to 2 June 2023 at the Scientific Station of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) in Paris.

This is the second edition of the symposium, organised by the Scientific Station PAS in Paris, the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS and the Institute of Physics PAS.

The topics include recent theoretical and experimental results in the field of ultracold matter, such as many-body effects and entanglement in ultracold gases, quantum droplets and statistical properties of ultracold gases.

The conference is open to 80 participants.


Some scientific sessions will be dedicated to Prof Kazimierz Rzążewski on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 

Prof. Kazimierz Rzążewski

A physicist working on quantum optics and ultracold atoms. Specialists in the research on statistical properties of Bose-Einstein condensate. A long-time employee and former director of the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS. For his scientific achievements awarded, among others, the Humboldt Foundation Prize, the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science (the so-called "Polish Nobel"), the Galileo Medal and the honorary doctorate of the University of Stuttgart in Germany.

Talks & Program

Talks (alphabetical order)

Jan Arlt, Fluctuations of a quantum gas: 28 years of research in a nutshell

Yvan Castin, Higgs excitation branch in a pair-condensed fermi gas/ Branche d’excitation de Higgs dans un gaz de fermions condensé par paires

Piotr Deuar, Thermal properties of squashed quantum droplets

Jacek Dziarmaga, From 2D tensor networks to quantum simulations

Berge Englert, Adventures with contact interactions

Irénée Frérot, Certifying the quantum Fisher information from a given set of mean values

Mariusz Gajda, My adventures in physics with Kazik

Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Sub-wavelength lattices for ultracold atoms

Tomasz Karpiuk, Bose-Fermi solitons

Bruno Laburthe-Tolra, Dynamics and quantum thermalization of large spin atoms

Maciej Lewenstein, "Dipolar" Hubbard and spin systems revisited

Anna Minguzzi, Exact solutions for strongly interacting quantum gases in one dimension

Krzysztof Pawłowski, Quantum droplet and its collective excitations in quasi-1D Bose gas

Hélène Perrin, Melting of a vortex lattice in a fast rotating Bose gas

Dmitry Petrov, Self-binding of one-dimensional fermionic mixtures with zero-range interspecies attraction

Jacob Reichel, Observing Spin-Squeezed States under Spin-Exchange Collisions for a Second

Martin Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, Optical control of the spins in an SU(10)-symmetric Fermi gas

Philipp Treutlein, Coupling quantum systems with a laser loop

Marek Trippenbach, Bose-Einstein condensate in SDOP

Krzysztof Sacha, Absolutely stable discrete time crystals

Alice Sinatra, Quantum-enhanced multiparameter estimation and compressed sensing of a field

Felix Werner, Three-body contact for fermions

Gabriel Wlazłowski, Towards general-purpose simulation platform for superfluid fermions

Tilman Zibold, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment with two Bose-Einstein condensates

Main organizer:Magdalena Sajdak

Centre Scientifique Académie Polonaise des Sciences

Members of the Organizing Committee

Krzysztof Pawłowski

Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Emilia Witkowska

Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Alice Sinatra

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

Deadline for registration: May 15, 2023


Registration is formally closed. If you would like to register please write directly to organizers.


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