Neutrino oscillations - current experimental results




National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw

January 10, 2024 12:30 PM

The existence of neutrino oscillations was confirmed 25 years ago. Since that time, a lot of experiments have been performed with different sources of neutrinos and detection techniques.
Now, we know the values of the neutrino mixing angles with quite good precision, yet there are still questions to be answered, such as the neutrino mass ordering, CP-violation in the neutrino sector, or the existence of sterile neutrinos. The presentation is an extended and updated talk given at the EPS HEP 2023 conference and will summarize the current knowledge of neutrino oscillations and present recent results from selected experiments as well as some perspectives for the future.

This is a hybrid event:
Auditorium of the Institute of Physics PAS, Al. Lotników 32/46

Online: Zoom Link, (Passcode: 134595, Meeting ID: 823 8038 0442)